Save the game very often! You might like to try saving the game and deliberatly dying to see what happens, most of the fun is in dying.
Walk into Garage, "Look", "get Dollar".
N, N, N, E, E, E
Go into the Quikie Mart, "look", go to counter, "buy ticket", pick any numbers doesn't matter which, Leave the shop.
Walk up to hole in fence "look", "look through hole".
W, W
Walk into Krod TV studios, walk up to receptionist, "give receptionist ticket". Write down the numbers she gives you and then repeat them to her as your 6 numbers, once in the green room, walk to the top of the room, "sit", when called for, "stand" and follow the man.
*At this point the game switches to automatic, just sit back and watch until you are asked a question, at which point you should answer them as stupidly as possible and have a good laugh.
You should end up in the green room again and get given a cruise ticket, sit down again and wait. When you are called for, "stand" and follow the woman.
*automatic mode*
You will win the 1 Million dollars a year for life. Leave Crod TV studios.
Walk into Malto Lira, walk to the back of the shop, "get swimsuit", walk to counter, "Pay"
Walk to trashcans, "Search trash", "Search trash" again, get passport.
Walk into Swabs Drugs, walk to the isle on the far left, "get sunscreen" walk to counter, "pay", leave shop.
Walk into Quikie Mart, walk over to the giant cup, "Fill cup", walk to counter, "pay", leave shop.
Walk into Hairy Reams, walk to chair, "sit". Leave shop when finished.
Walk into music shop, "Talk to Woman".
*automatic mode*
Walk up to man, "show man ticket".
N, onto the boat.
*boring sequence*
E, into your cabin
Walk to the back of the cabin, "get fruit", walk through door to the East.
Don't go near the woman, she will whip you to death!
W, back into your cabin, stand behind the closet, "Wear swimsuit", walk back through door to the East, walk over to the cabinet (don't get too close to the bed!, "open drawer", "look in drawer", "get kit", walk through door to your cabin, leave your cabin.
Go up to the third deck and walk as far East as possible.
You'll now be at the pool. "Use sunscreen" go to the nearest sunbed, "lie down".
Do NOT follow the woman that approaches you.
"Stand", walk into the pool, "Swim" (Or you'll drown :)) "dive", swim to the bottom of the pool, "get top", swim back up. Swimming is easiest with the mouse, clicking on the bottom of the pool every time his arms point forward. But you'll have to use the keyboard when you get to the very top. If your not fast enough here your lungs will explode.
Swim to the edge of the pool, "get out", "use sunscreen", leave the pool and go back to your cabin.
When in your cabin, stand behind the closet and "wear suit". Leave your cabin and walk up to the very top of the boat (The resteraunt).
In the resteraunt, walk to the end of the bar and "get dip".
Now go to the far West of the third deck (The barber shop) walk over to the chair and "Sit".
Leave the Barber shop and walk up the stairs to the bridge. Once there, sneak over behind the captain and "Pull lever". Sneak back out of the bridge and make your way to one of the lifeboats (The one to the far left).
Stand next to the railings by the boat and "Jump into boat".
As you sail away from the boat do the following: "Use sunscreen", "Eat dip", "Wear wig"
If all goes to plan you should now crash land on a beach.
Go South and you should find yourself in some wilderness, you'll walk about lost in it for a bit... when you get close enough, "get flower" from the middle of the screen. Dont worry if you miss it, you'll get more chances.
When the sequence finally ends you'll be in a posh resteraunt. Walk over to the man and "Talk man". He will tell you to sit and wait, so walk over to the chair and "sit".
Once the Maitre'd has finished seating the other guests you will be shown your table and given some food. !Do not eat the food! Walk over to the buffet and "Examine buffet" then walk over to the cheese and "Take Knife".
Now leave the resteraunt and you will find yourself back in the wilderness, now's the time to get that flower if you missed it.
When you've found your way you'll be in a guestroom. "look" to get your bearings and then walk over to the nightstand and "take matches" now walk into the bathroom and "take soap" from by the sink.
Leave the Guestroom and after a while you'll find yourself in the Barbers. Walk over to the chair and "Sit". When he's finished you'll be a blonde, now leave the shop, bak into the wilderness where you'll find yourself back on the beach.
Go west "look", walk to the far West of the screen and "Get bikini". Now go East and South back into the wilderness.
When you walk into the resteraunt, just leave again.
One in the Guestroom stand in the dressing area behind the bathroom and "Wear bikini". Now "Put dough in top".
Walk South back into the wilderness and you will find yourself in the Barber shop again, once there walk over to the chair and "sit". When finished, leave South and you'll end up on the beach.
Once on the beach, walk East and East again.
In the next bit you'll have to edge yourway along a cliff face, but dont worry, you cant fall off even if you try. Try and fall off really far towards the end to see how far his legs stretch.
As you corner the last cliff face type "Wear suit".
You'll now find yourself at the airport.
Walk up to the two dancing men and "give man flower" (be careful not to get too close) O.k, now walk into the airport where you will see some never ending qeue's, where the qeue you are in will never get shorter, what fun!
Ignore the qeue's and walk off to the West where you will find another Barber shop. Walk in and up to the lady, "look lady", walk to the chair and "sit".
When finished, leave the barber shop.
If you want to see one of the amusing deaths now (I suggest you save first) sit next to the lady on the chair and then follow her when she leave's.
Assuming that you didn't do this or have loaded your saved game from outside the barber shop, go East and East again.
Walk over to the man and "talk man", he'll ask you for your passport, "Give man passport". After looking through your possesions he'll let you through the gate to the East which will open when you walk up to it. Walk through it and you'll find yourself in the X-ray room.
Now stand next to the conveyor belt and wait for a bag with a bomb in it to come by, when the bag comes to you, "get bag". You might also like to get other bag's and see what's in them for fun. If you dont think you'll be able to spot the bag then just get every bag that passes you by.
Once the automatic sequence is finished, the qeue's will have cleared. Walk up to the lady and "buy ticket".
When the lady has finished, go East and show man passport. Go East and East again. Walk up to the snack bar and "Buy food" when you are brought the food "look in food" !!!Dont eat it!!! You'll now find a pin in the gravy, "take pin". Now walk over to the vending machines to the East and "Put money in machine" you'll now get a parachute. Quickly walk up the conveyor belt and after a bit you'll find yourself in the waiting room. Walk over to the counter and "get pamphlet" then "give man ticket". Walk on to the plane and you'll end up in your seat.
After takeoff "Get bag", "Give man pamphlet", "stand", walk East to the back of the plane. Find the emergency door, "Pick lock", "Move handle", "wear parachute", "open door". You will now be sucked out. Quickly "open parachute" and you should land on an island.
You'll now find yourself hanging from a tree in the parachute, "cut rope" to free yourself
Now walk over to the stick (North and East a bit) and "Get stick".
The next bit is dangerous, in fact, this whole island is, so be very careful and save lots.
There is a hive of killer bees on the small tree to the south. Walk over to it and "crawl" then exit South. (or dont and see what happens) (By the way, did you notice anything about that rock you just passed?)
In the next bit there is a snake in the tree so walk up to the branch and just as it is about to attack you "Use stick" (or don't and see what happens) When you have done this walk off the screen to the South East.
The next screen is a swamp. Follow the dry path on the swamp (the path actually looks more like a reflection than a path) or jump into the swamp and see what happens. (This bit is best done with the mouse)
This next screen is really fun, save the game and then try walking through the river. However, if you don't want to die then the way to do it is to swing from the vines. Walk over to the far right and next to the water of the bank you are on and type grab vine. You will swing across, then, quickly type it again (Or press F3) to grab the next one, do this until you reach the edge. Now walk up to the tree and "get vine". Now exit the screen to the East.
*automatic mode*
When the sequence is finished you'll be standing next to a chasm with a tree on the other side. Go South, then East, walk over to the burnt out fire and "get ashes" now go back to the chasm and stand right next to the edge, now "throw vine" you'll get to the other side.
Now go North until you reach the edge of the volcano, covered in ice. Stand next to the edge where the ice slopes up and "use ashes" Once past the ice, walk up to the very top of the volcano.
Ok, now stand very close to the hole in the volcano (not too close though or you'll fall in) "Put bag in bottle" "light bag" "drop bottle".
The elevator door will now open, so walk in.
*automatic mode*